Improve working conditions and provide fair pay and social benefits.
Promotion of plastic recycling competence in Ghana and neighbouring states.
Bring transparency to the entire PET value chain.
in Ghana
Establishing of a transparent value chain in Ghana’s PET-Recycling industry, with fair working conditions and social benefits as well as increasing the country’s overall recycling competence.
Providing Equipment
for Waste Pickers
With the financial support of dropz Inc. we equipped our first waste pickers with a practical cargo bike, providing an efficient transport solution for the collected PET.
By BanQu
The transparency app by BanQu offers waste pickers and processors a means to track how much, where and when was collected. The app is a key component to guarantee full transparency and traceability of recycled plastic in the future.
PET Collection
with Social Benefits
Improving the working conditions of our waste pickers by providing access to national health insurance.
In Ghana, as in many other developing countries, PET recycling is left to the private sector. Hence there is no state authority regulating or overseeing the collection and recycling of plastic waste. As a consequence the vast majority of recycled plastic is collected by independent collectors (waste pickers) working directly with processors. These waste pickers work in inhumane conditions and get little to no credit for their immense contribution to the local economy.
We work for those people.
“Working as a PET processor has shown me that the informal workers are being neglected.They have enormous potential, however the low value creation of the resource by the state results in low appreciation of the workers and hinders the realisation of their potential.”
Executive Director, GoReclaim, Jeffrey Provencal
Partners and Supporters